Peace Be Still and Fullfill
“Let the peace of Christ rule your hearts,…and let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.” Colosisians 3:15,16
I heard once that if the enemy can’t defeat you, he will distract you. To him, all is the same. Either way, we are not living in our calling and purpose. Actually, we are living in strife, conflict, anxiety, stress, and worry. Over 2 years ago the Lord began showing this to me, and I started to learn what living is rest is. Rest is not just a sabbath or taking some time off; instead it is living in complete dependency on the Lord. It is trusting God to provide financially for my family, to protect us in our coming and going, to lead me in the way I should go. It is trusting Him with my daughter, it's obeying Him even though it may not be something I want to do, and it's surrendering to him all my accomplishments, visions, dreams, desires. It is trading all this for Gods divine plan and knowing He has immeasurable more than I can ask or imagine.
Oh, if we could get to a place that we know that we know God is good, what He has for us is even better, and even though our storms God has something good for us on the other side. Don’t let fear arise during these storms. Let the peace of Christ rule your hearts,…and let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.
Father, we know your word is true. We know you are a good Father, forgive my disbelief and allow my heart and mind to know you more, trust you more, and obey your more. I don’t want the responsibility of managing my life. I surrender it to you. I trust you to watch over it and my family. I surrender everything I am holding on to, and I release it into your protection. Father give me supernatural peace today! I release any anxiety or fear that comes my way, and I accept your love, peace, and provision for my life today.