The Double-Sided Face of Fear
Fear has been my biggest enemy. It has been the one tactic the enemy has used to keep me from resting in complete dependency on the Lord.
When Kaylee was a young child, he tried to come at me by claiming she had arthritis and would be crippled, yet God instantly healed her! Satan tried to make me fear my death and leaving her alone, to the point of being emotionally paralyzed, not allowing me to live life for fear of something happening. He tried to tell me I wasn’t capable of moving into this new season the Lord had for me because it was crazy (for many reasons).
But God! Is all I can say. “He can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.” Ephesians 3:20 It is our faith that cast out all fear. I realized when I was living in fear, I wasn’t living in faith in the Almighty God.
When Kaylee had the diagnosis, I first turned to the internet to see what was going on. I reached to the world to gain all my knowledge and understanding of how I can fix this, instead of asking God first. God asks us to come to Him with our burdens and “He will give us rest.” He says, “His yoke is easy and His burden is light.” Mathew 11:28-30
I quickly realized I can’t do this by running to the world and solving my own problems. God was trying to reveal and release the burden of self-reliance in me. He wanted me to know I wasn’t in this alone. I wasn’t expected to handle this by myself. I, certainly, wasn’t the answer to such a serious situation.
I struggled to give Kaylee up to the Lord during this time. I knew in my mind that He loved her more than I did. That He could be a better protector than I ever could. But, did I trust Him was the question?
I am faced with fear almost daily. I have to ask my myself, will you allow this lie to evolve into fear and an emotionally paralytic state of mind? Or, will I choose to silence the lies by saying, “SHUT UP DEVIL!”
The first step in getting to a place of dependency on God and releasing fear is
- Silencing the lies of the enemy. As soon as the thought comes to our mind we need to recognize the voice of the enemy and bind that lie in Jesus name. Then quote scripture that replaces that lie with the truth. I have several scriptures in my pocket that I pull out anytime the enemy wants to come at me. Instead of freezing up to fear, I speak the powerful Word of God over the situation. The Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 His Word does not return void but will accomplish what He desires and achieve the purpose for which He sent it. Isaiah 55:11
- The second step is surrendering self-reliance and realizing my efforts are only like filthy rags. I have no power over darkness, only by partnering with God do I have the power to conquer the demons of fear, and claim God’s goodness and protection. Only in His provision am I in my safe house.
- Lastly, Claiming God’s Word over my life! Speaking Truth will cancel out fear. Fear is a snare and has no hold on you.
So, through every situation, the enemy has the same schemes. He is not an inventor, just a re-creator. He recreates fear scenarios in your mind to allow fear to be the threshold of your life. Fear has many faces. He can come with fear of death, fear of being alone, fear of spouse cheating, fear or missing out, fear of not fitting in, fear of losing your job, or fear not being enough. No matter what situation Satan tries to use, we have the same answer, JESUS! Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. His love for you never changes. He is our ultimate Protector and Savior. Reach out to Him for your redeeming grace. He is your Healer today!
Lord, I pray that you reveal to us where we have believed lies. Where we have allowed Satan to come in and attack our family in the area of fear. Show us where fear has manifested and caused us not to rely totally on you. I pray we can trust you with everything we have. That we know you are Good. I bind the enemy and against the spirit of fear. You no longer have a place in our life. We rejoice in your goodness, provision, and healing. Give us a supernatural faith to rely completely on you.
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