Holding On Too Tight

Resting In Raising Our Children

I have always heard it always gets worse! Have you? Have you been warned of the pre-teen or teen years? 


Well, now I understand! But its not quite what they made it out to be. I know their frontal lobe is not fully developed and their common sense may not be an asset to them right now, and they may be hormonal and grumpy. But that does not give us an out to personally withdrawal or directly the opposite- start controlling and protecting. 

I have found myself doing both. I have not yet adapted to this change of opinionated, strong-willed, take control, independent personality. So in my attempt to maintain homeostasis I have ignored, punished, disciplined, and controlled situations instead of just resting in the Lord and asking Him, "How should I handle this? How should I pray?"

Part of learning to rest in the Lord is to partner with Him. It's asking Him for direction and assistance. It's like getting the perfect vision and implementing it perfectly. Otherwise, I am doing it alone and striving the whole way. I am now entering a new season. Things are changing. We have to relearn how to get along, how to enjoy each other. My daughter's passions are different than they used to be and certainly different than mine. I am learning what selfless love is, and how God is using this situation to change me. 

It's not about me anymore. My daughter doesn't just go along with anything I say or do. She has her path, and I have to accept that and let her go down that path. Whether she makes mistakes or gets hurt, she needs to know I am here. I will always love her, and her heavenly father will always love her and never leave or forsake her. 

Now the hardest part is for me to believe that as well. Letting go and allowing God. That's where I am, and it can be the hardest thing the world. So any Godly advice I am all open ears. Please, we moms need some wisdom for what is coming up next. 

So please tell me, have you read any good books that help in raising teens? 


Lord, My desire is for my daughter and me to be in your will. I pray for protection and that you will never leave or forsake her, and that she knows she is truly loved and protected every minute of every day. I command the enemy to take his hands off of her and her promises you have set aside for her. Reveal to her, her future and purpose for her life. Protect her in her coming and going and lead her to the path of everlasting. I pray she is a leader and not a follower. She is an overcomer, and she will discern the voice of the enemy. I pray that your voice is louder than any other voice she is hearing. Guide me as I raise her. Give me wisdom, discernment, self-control, gentleness, kindness, understanding, patience, and perseverance, that I do not grow weary of doing good. Amen







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