Releasing Rest
I am so excited to be on this journey with my other #strugglebussista’s. Aren’t we all on a struggle bus somewhere in life? For me, it was in the area rest. I was a get-it-together and get-it-done kind of girl. My entire life I was motivated by achievement, multi-tasking, and accomplishing my never-ending to-do list. I always thought, that if I wrote everything I needed to do down somehow, I would get it all done that day, and then I could do……..
Don’t we all know the “and then” never happens and that’s the part of my life that was missing. The happiness, the rest, enjoyment of friends and family, and memories I was working so hard for, but never had the time. I was working my life away for the “and then” moments. I kept myself on the hamster wheel of life and never took the time to enjoy what I was working endlessly for.
Busyness is a trap of the enemy. He lies to us and makes us feel the weight of everything we have on our plate. He whispers in our ears as we are spending time with our kids, with the Lord, or maybe when we are merely trying to enjoy life, and says, "but you have all this other to do you don't have time for this."
I once heard our Pastor tell a story about the "big rocks." He placed a tall, fat jar on a table. He had several bowls of different items to place in this jar. In these bowls were large rocks, pebbles, sand, and water. The first experiment he placed the small items in first. He started with the sand and water then the pebbles, smaller rocks, and finished with the larger rocks. However, it did not all fit. He then reversed the order and started with the larger rocks and finished with the water. Amazingly, it all fit. The point to his story was if we figure out what our "big rocks" are and we do them first everything else can fit in our day.
So my question to you is what are your Big Rocks? Mine are first and for most time with Jesus and time with my daughter. These are the two things I have neglected the most in this busy season. No more! I am on a mission to reorder my priorities and no longer allow the enemy to tell me what is important and what can't wait.
I am going to allow the big things remain big in my life and the little things remain little. How about you?
What are you reprioritizing in your life? Give it to God and allow Him to help you align your desires and to-do list with His will for your life.
Dear Heavenly Father, I repent of having my priorities out of order and placing other loves before you. Forgive me for being too busy with the things in my life. Help me to steward my life and the things you have entrusted to me well. Give me the mind of Christ, clear my thoughts, and help me to see what you see for my life. I bind the enemy and his schemes and forgive me for believing his lies. Speak truth to me today, allow me to hear your voice and know what my journey for rest looks like.