Tired of praying
When am I supposed to stop praying? God, I have been praying for this situation for over ten years, why have I not seen you work a miracle.?
My emotions were high this morning. Do you ever feel like screaming where are you God! When your faith and reality do not collide it can leave you hopeless, doubting, and unsure of what you are even praying about.
I have so many questions????
-When is it time to let go of a prayer, a desire, a hope and just let it be?
-Why have I not seen a breakthrough? Is it even coming?
-When are you going to respond, God?
I am flooded with questions, and my conscience begins to answer them for me. As if I am in that movie Cast Away, and I am the one talking to my self on a deserted island. I am longing to hear the Lord tell me why, and all I can do is rationalize it out by saying….. It’s not Gods timing. You need to continue to pray without ceasing. Just give up, nothing will change it is what it is. Be done praying, because God has heard your prayers and if it happens it happens.
So I guess my question is not when do I stop praying but when do I give in, and realize this is just reality?
I began to think, and I wondered am I really tired of praying or am I losing hope?
Am I throwing a fit, because I didn’t get my prayers answered? I believe that’s it! I want to say oh well God guess you didn’t want to answer this one. Why continue to waste my time.
When we get to this place, it has gone too far. I realized this when the holy spirit reminded of Daniel 10. The prince of Persia resisted God for 21 days and stopped the angel from delivering the explanation to Daniel about his vision. I began to ask myself is something stopping God? Do I need to pray harder or fast more?
We need to accept that some things we may never see on this side of eternity, but some things we will. I can not afford not to see those things that God chooses to reveal. So no matter what tired, desperate, frustrated, hurt, I will always pray in the hopes that this is the time God decides to answer my prayer.
I have learned that our surrender can open the floodgates for Gods answer and provision, and it’s a lack of submission that hinders deliverance and freedom.
So, I ask you this, is God waiting for us? Are we stopping our own miracle? Is He waiting for us to abandon our desires, plans, and pride?
We cannot change anyone or control God. God is sovereign, all-knowing, and his ways are higher than mine. That’s what I can rest in. I can ask God to align my prayers with His will and that I can stand in the gap and intercede for His people and provision.
I am holding tight to Ephesians 3:20, it says God can do immeasurably more than we can ask, dream or imagine. So whatever He has planned at the end of this it is better than what I dreamed.
I must decide where my hope lies.
My hope does not lie in my situational outcome, but in who God is and in what He is doing, no matter my circumstances.
I pray you continue praying! Even when it gets hard or you don’t see anything shifting or moving. I promise God hears your prayers; He covets them. I pray you realize what God is not doing is better than what you are wanting Him to do. He works everything out for good. We may not be seeing the good, and like me, you may not have seen it or a sign of it in the last decade, but a lot is going on in the spiritual that we don’t understand. Ask God to open your eyes to the unseen, give you the words to pray, and pray in the Spirit. Eph 6:18
This battle is not yours! We are fighting against principalities, powers, and against rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Eph 6:12 So pray without ceasing. The Greek word “without ceasing” doesn’t mean nonstop, but means continuously recurring. Continually pray! Because we have an enemy like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. I beg you not to get tired of doing good! Don’t lose hope in your heavenly Father.
I feel like God is speaking and saying Isaiah 43:19 see, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland! He is doing a new thing in you today! Receive it!
Father, lift our eyes, lift our heads to the heavens. Place our eyes on you and not this world. This world fails us every time, and you never fail us. Help us not to lose hope! Strengthen us today! Reveal to us what to pray, and align our dreams and desires with yours. You are our comforter, lover, provider, and our one hope. We love you. Bless our day!